Mastering technical seo audit

A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to Technical SEO Audit

In today’s increasingly digital landscape, technical SEO is crucial for any website’s success. However, technical SEO issues are often overlooked or not fully optimized. That’s where conducting regular technical SEO audits comes in.

As an experienced SEO analyst and consultant, I help companies uncover critical website issues that impact performance, traffic, and conversions. Over the years, I’ve refined an audit process that leaves no stone unturned. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll teach you how to master technical SEO audits.

Whether you handle SEO in-house or hire an agency, audits should be a key part of your strategy. They help identify obstacles and opportunities related to site architecture, speed, mobile optimization, indexing issues, etc. Addressing these technical problems paves the way for content, links, and other efforts to drive growth.

By the end of this post, you’ll understand what technical SEO audits entail, proper planning procedures, tools to use, and how to uncover and address problems methodically. With these technical audit skills added to your repertoire, you’ll keep your site in prime shape to capitalize on organic search opportunities. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Technical SEO Audits 

To start, let’s formally define what a technical SEO audit entails. At a high level, a technical SEO audit is a comprehensive analysis and assessment of a website’s infrastructure and backend from an SEO perspective.


The major objectives are to:


  • Evaluate the website’s technical health to identify problems impacting SEO and user experience
  • Assess optimization of key on-page elements, including title tags, headings, etc.  
  • Analyze site architecture and infrastructure for crawlability or indexing issues
  • Check mobile friendliness and site speed benchmarks
  • Review URL structure and redirect paths
  • Uncover any technical obstacles hindering organic growth 

A technical audit helps diagnose technical deficiencies holding your SEO back. It’s like an annual check-up to enable peak website performance.


Conducting regular technical SEO audits provides many benefits, such as:


  • Discovering technical problems early before they significantly impact rankings and traffic   
  • Identifying quick website fixes that can lead to immediate SEO gains
  • Keeping site infrastructure aligned with best practices as algorithms evolve  
  • Monitoring website changes over time for SEO impact
  • Having an objective basis to recommend technical improvements to clients

In an increasingly competitive landscape, the technical SEO audit is a strategic tool for getting more value from your website. Both in-house SEO teams and agencies should prioritize regularly checking under the hood.

Pre-Audit Preparation

Before diving into the audit itself, laying the proper groundwork is essential. Without thoughtful planning, rushing into the technical analysis leads to disorganization and key information getting overlooked.  


Proper pre-audit preparation includes:


Gathering Access and Assets

Having the full range of access and assets beforehand leads to smooth analysis. These include:


  • Google Analytics account access
  • Google Search Console access 
  • Access to website CMS platform and theme files
  • Access to website server or ability to liaise with developer/IT team
  • XML Sitemap and robots.txt files
  • Site architecture diagram or content inventory
  • Previous SEO audit reports or website evaluations

Setting Expectations

Take time to align with stakeholders on goals, timing, and next steps. Key questions to gain alignment on:


  • What are the purpose and overall objective of the technical audit?  Increased organic traffic? Improved rankings for target keywords? Diagnose a specific problem.
  • Who are the key decision-makers, and when will audit findings be presented?
  • What technical aspects have the highest priority for assessment? 
  • What will the next steps be once opportunities for improvement are identified from my audit?

Gaining this clarity early allows me to conduct the most useful, tailored analysis possible. It also sets clear expectations for delivering value with my findings.


With these preparation steps done, I have all the assets to conduct a rapid yet highly thorough technical SEO audit. Onwards to the main inspection!

Key Elements of Technical SEO Audits

I analyze various website elements that impact performance when conducting a technical SEO audit. These key areas include:


Site Architecture and Navigation

A website’s information architecture and navigation hugely influence the user experience. From an SEO perspective, site architecture also impacts crawlability and indexation.


As part of my audits, I assess:


  • Logical sitemap structure and clarity 
  • Ease of navigation across mega site system
  • Optimization of site search functionality
  • Review of breadcrumb implementation 
  • Crawl budget allocation for key pages and content

By evaluating site architecture, I identify enhancements to help users and search engines access your most important pages seamlessly.


Indexation and Crawling

Ensuring search engines properly crawl, index, and categorize all pages is imperative for rankings. My process inspects:


  • Crawl errors for site sections not accessed
  • Pages blocked by index or password protections   
  • URL parameter handling   
  • Effective use of robots.txt and XML sitemap
  • Thorough link equity mapping

From this analysis, we can improve accessibility signals to pages search engines deem important.


On-Page Optimization

On-page elements provide search bots with further context on your content. I perform an in-depth review of the:  

  • Title tag and meta description optimization
  • Proper heading tag structure (H1, H2, etc.)    
  • Image alt attribute usage 
  • Keyphrase integration best practices

I then provide specific guidelines tailored to your content types for maximizing on-page SEO impact.

Conducting the Audit

With the groundwork laid, it’s time to roll up my sleeves and dig into the technical analysis. This process requires the right tools and methodical inspection across all key elements.


Tools and Resources

Conducting an effective technical audit leverages a mix of software tools and manual assessment. Here are my go-to resources:


  • Screaming Frog – This desktop crawler comprehensively reports on-site construction, indexing issues, duplicate content, page speed metrics, and more.
  • Google PageSpeed Insights – Google’s free tool shows how site performance appears on mobile and desktop. It flags enhancements for faster load times.
  • Google Analytics – Review site behavior reports for top landing/exit pages, site search usage, and other trends impacting SEO.
  • Google Search Console – Key for inspecting index status, crawl errors, and performance in search results.
  • SEMrush – Use this powerful suite for backlink analysis, organic keyword tracking, ranking evaluations, and technical audits.  
  • GTmetrix – GTmetrix complements PageSpeed Insights with additional speed and performance optimization suggestions.
  • WebPageTest – Provides visual filmstrips and metrics on rendering, load times, and requests. Helpful for diagnosing issues.

Using my qualitative review and expertise to blend data-driven assessments from tools provides comprehensive, actionable analysis.


Step-by-Step Audit Process 

My proven technical SEO audit framework involves these key steps:


  1. Kickoff – Align on scope, access needed, and project timeline
  2. Data Compilation – Leverage tools to gather volumes of site data and metrics 
  3. Manual Review – Thorough qualitative examination across all key optimization areas  
  4. Assessment & Notes – Identify technical problems and document enhancement opportunities
  5. Presentation – Review key findings, recommendations, and next steps  

I’ll expand more on my methodology in future posts. However, this high-level process allows me to uncover the deepest technical insights.

Interpreting Audit Results

Once the audit is complete, we focus on interpreting the findings and planning the next steps for fixes and optimizations.  


Identifying Issues and Prioritizing

Upon consolidating all audit analysis, the first task is sifting through the multiple issues uncovered. Documenting the following for each finding helps weigh relevance:


  • Type/location of the issue  
  • Severity (critical, moderate, minor)
  • Related metrics indicating impact   
  • Ease of implementation  

Categorizing based on these factors makes prioritizing straightforward. I focus first on the critical technical problems showing the greatest negative impact. As those are addressed, I move to moderately severe items for continual improvement.


Client Communication 

Communicating insights in an understandable, value-focused manner is key. My audit deliverables highlight:


  • Executive summary showcasing big-picture opportunities
  • Technical architecture infographics illustrating issues 
  • Prioritized to-do lists with specificity for dev teams  
  • Benchmarking against competitors or past performance
  • ROI estimations grounded in data

This multi-modal framing helps clients grasp the urgency to address findings. It also conveys a tangible upside supported by statistics, fostering buy-in.


Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions on my technical SEO audit approach!


I hope this comprehensive guide has shed light on the immense value of regular technical SEO audits. When done thoroughly, they uncover website infrastructure and backend issues severely limiting organic growth.

As discussed, proper audits evaluate everything from site architecture to page speed to URL structure. Inspecting these critical elements surfaced technical problems that hamper rankings and conversions if left unchecked.

However, correcting technical deficiencies found in audits then strengthens SEO foundations. Optimize your website’s infrastructure first, so it becomes an asset rather than a hindrance to visibility. 

With a technically sound site and my ongoing audit reviews, your SEO strategy can fully capitalize on high-quality content, earned links, and expertise. Maintenance through regular checkups prevents issues from re-emerging as well.

If you lack the bandwidth to self-administer technical audits, don’t hesitate to get in touch. My start-to-finish management of the process saves you significant time while spotlighting tangible fixes to level up website performance.

Now equipped with a complete methodology, unleash technical audits to diagnose your site health. Quick wins await that drive rapid search growth!


Why settle for anything less than the best SEO specialist in the Philippines (and the world!)? Partner with me today, and let’s unleash the full potential of your website. Together, we’ll climb the search engine ladder, turn visitors into loyal customers, and conquer your online kingdom! Remember, I’m not just an SEO expert – I’m your strategic partner, your data-driven guide, and your cheerleader in the exciting journey to online success. Are you ready to take your website to the top? Let’s go!

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