SEO Expert Philippines

I’m Japhet Batucan, an exceptional SEO expert in the Philippines who elevates your digital presence. I specialize in six crucial areas: On-Page SEO, Keyword Research, Technical SEO Audit, Analytics, Off-Page SEO, and Local SEO, blending expertise to propel your website to new heights. I AM your trusted ally, your SEO mentor, poised to lead you to search engine supremacy.


As an experienced SEO expert in the Philippines, I provide end-to-end search engine optimization services to boost visibility, traffic, and conversions. With comprehensive SEO services informed by tools and expertise, I can create customized strategies tailored for sustainable business growth.


SEO Specialist in the Philippines

on-page optimization

Forget keyword stuffing and robotic language. My on-page optimization is all about weaving magic with words. I’ll create compelling content that speaks directly to your target audience, infused with the perfect blend of relevant keywords and irresistible engagement. Think juicy headlines, captivating narratives, and clear calls to action – all optimized to make search engines swoon and visitors beg for more.

Keywords are the treasure map to online success, and I’m the Indiana Jones of this digital jungle. I’ll delve deep into the search engine landscape, unearthing the perfect golden nuggets for your niche. Picture this: a treasure chest overflowing with high-volume, low-competition gems, each one holding the key to unlocking a flood of targeted traffic. That’s the power of my keyword research and analysis.

SEO Specialist in the Philippines

Technical SEO Audit

Your website is your online kingdom, and it deserves the royal treatment. My technical SEO audit is like a meticulous inspection by the Queen’s engineers, identifying and fixing any crawl errors, indexing issues, or mobile-friendliness woes. We’ll leave your website sparkling clean, fit for the discerning eyes of both search engines and users.

Analytics and Reporting

Numbers don’t lie, and I speak their language fluently. My analytics and reporting skills will transform your website’s data into actionable insights. We’ll track traffic, rankings, conversions, and every other metric that matters, giving you a crystal-clear picture of your SEO performance. Think of it as your personal war room, where we strategize and conquer based on real-time data.

SEO Specialist in the Philippines
SEO Specialist in the Philippines

Off-Page Optimization

Backlinks are like votes of confidence in the online world, and I’m the master of link-building. I’ll weave a powerful web of high-quality backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites, boosting your website’s domain authority and trust. Picture your website as a majestic spiderweb, attracting organic traffic and leads like eager insects.

Local SEO

Forget being a small fish in a big pond. Local SEO is my superpower, and I’ll help you dominate your local market. I’ll claim and optimize your listings on Google My Business, Yelp, and other local directories, putting your business right on the map for potential customers in your area. Think of it as planting your flag and declaring your territory – you’re the king (or queen) of your local online jungle.

SEO Specialist in the Philippines

tools i used


Why Hire a Dedicated SEO Specialist from the Philippines?

Search engine optimization (SEO) has become critical to any effective online marketing strategy. As more consumers turn to Google and other search engines to find products and services, having an optimized website at the top of relevant searches is key. This is why hiring a skilled SEO specialist should be a top priority.

Outsourcing SEO experts to the Philippines has proven to be an excellent solution for many companies. Filipino SEO experts combine strong technical capabilities with dedicated work ethics at affordable rates.

Here are some of the top benefits of hiring a Filipino SEO specialist:

Expertise and Experience

SEO specialists in the Philippines are highly trained and possess the latest skills needed to boost your search visibility. Most boast years of experience in keyword research, site optimization, content creation, link building, and more. They stay on top of algorithm updates and industry best practices.

Focused and Dedicated Service

Filipino virtual assistants pride themselves on loyalty and dedication. Once you hire a Filipino SEO expert, you can expect them to commit to your project as if it were theirs fully. They’ll pour their energy and focus into getting the best SEO results for your site.

Affordable Pricing

Hiring a Philippines-based SEO specialist is very budget-friendly thanks to the favorable exchange rate and lower cost of living. You’ll get an expert dedicated solely to your SEO for a fraction of what you’d pay elsewhere. It’s extremely cost-effective.

Communication and Availability

Most SEO experts in the Philippines have excellent written and spoken English abilities. They also have overlap with US time zones. This makes communication easy through emails, chats, video calls, or other convenient means. You’ll collaborate smoothly.


So, if you want to gain a dependable, talented SEO specialist fully committed to propelling your web visibility without breaking the bank, look to the Philippines. The combination of technical expertise, dedication, and affordability can’t be beat.

SEO Specialist in the Philippines


Before I became an SEO Expert in the Philippines, I joyously embraced the spirit of independence during my childhood in the lively city of Davao. With a mom dedicated to city agriculture and a dad working for a global leader in industrial gases, I found myself often flying solo. However, this solo journey molded me into a self-starter, navigating the twists and turns of life with a happy heart.

As the pages of time turned, I leaped into the enchanting world of creativity, teaching myself Photoshop and diving into video editing using the legendary Windows Movie Maker during my high school days. These newfound skills opened the door to my remote work adventure, starting with a social media management role for a real estate company in 2013. Little did I know this experience would…


Why settle for anything less than the best SEO specialist in the Philippines (and the world!)? Partner with me today, and let’s unleash the full potential of your website. Together, we’ll climb the search engine ladder, turn visitors into loyal customers, and conquer your online kingdom! Remember, I’m not just an SEO expert – I’m your strategic partner, your data-driven guide, and your cheerleader in the exciting journey to online success. Are you ready to take your website to the top? Let’s go!

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